I heard Mike Breen speak a couple of weeks ago. It was interesting; if I were to be asked to relate the basics of Christianity, I would have covered all of the same points which he did, only using different language. One thing he said stuck in my mind, not because of it being a new idea, but because it was well put:
We [Christians] have thought it is our job to make and “do” church, and that it is the church’s job to create disciples. But we have it wrong, and that’s the reason we are seeing such poor results. Jesus told us to make disciples. As we make disciples, church will happen. The church’s job then is to display God’s image to the world. (paraphrased)
This is so good! We (the church) are Christ’s body. Jesus is the image of God. Therefore, as people look at us, they should be seeing what God is like! We are the witness to the reality of God and his ways. We do this by making disciples—followers of Christ. And Jesus said we should be known for our love. Isn’t that perhaps because love is one of the very most core, foundational characteristics of God?