As with many of you, I’d rather political/governmental things just worked well on their own, and that I didn’t feel a need to pay attention to them at all. However what governmental leaders decide to do has consequences, even drastic ones for us.
According to, there is some momentum in Washington toward bringing us close to war with Iran. If you follow the link, there is some information and a way to send a message to your representatives.
Here is the message I sent, outlining my reasons against war with Iran:
Please work to keep our country from going to war with Iran, or even getting closer to such.
We can’t afford another war!
A war with Iran will likely make the U.S. less safe!
A war with Iran will likely cause a drastic rise in oil prices, which could well send the economy over the edge into recession or even depression!
A war with Iran has the potential to spark a larger regional conflict, further destabilize the region, and lead to global disharmony!