U.S. Headed for Bankruptcy?
I’ve talked some here problems with our federal government’s finances. Perotcharts.com has a good set of charts explaining the situation, and which culminate with this chart. It quickly and easily describes visually what can be much more difficult to communicate verbally.
Want Gas Prices to Rise?
As with many of you, I’d rather political/governmental things just worked well on their own, and that I didn’t feel a need to pay attention to them at all. However what governmental leaders decide to do has consequences, even drastic ones for us.
According to DownsizeDC.org, there is some momentum in Washington toward bringing us close to war with Iran. If you follow the link, there is some information and a way to send a message to your representatives.
Here is the message I sent, outlining my reasons against war with Iran:
Please work to keep our country from going to war with Iran, or even getting closer to such.
We can’t afford another war!
A war with Iran will likely make the U.S. less safe!
A war with Iran will likely Continue reading
Movie Review: Wall-E
I went and saw Wall-E tonight, and I’m actually going to write about it. (It’s been a long time since I can remember doing a movie review.) Before I start I want to mention that the short they had before the feature was quite entertaining as well. It features a magician trying to work with a unhappy rabbit, and was very well done.
First of all, the animation in Wall-E was spectacular, not in a way which “wowed” so much as it was believable and got out of the way. In other words, you didn’t think about the fact that you were watching an animated film (with the exception of the people, which were obviously caricatures). In fact, I believe there were a couple of places were real live action was used, in the messages from BnL’s CEO, but it Continue reading
I think I may have had a bit of a revelation today. I’ve spoken in the past of how I often find memories—even good ones—to be haunting. Interestingly, a thought hit me today even though I wasn’t thinking about this subject: maybe memories are meant to be shared. Let me explain. I’ve felt like I’ve lived a lot of lives. The reason is this: years ago I had a group of friends that I hang out with. We’d often hang out at one of the apartments a couple of the guys shared. We’d get together probably a couple of times a week or more, going to church and just hanging out. After a while though, a couple of people got married, a couple of people moved for work, and the group just generally dissolved. Some of those people I keep in loose contact Continue reading
Why I’m Leaving Church
As of a little over a year ago, I was attending two church services pretty much every Sunday. I had one church I went to in the morning and another I went to in the evening. I had been involved in two churches at a time since around 2000, and had grown up going to church at least once every week. I was involved in church groups, bible studies, volunteered, etc. So with this background, it was surprising and disconcerting when I stopped going to church on a regular basis in April of last year. It wasn’t planned, it just happened. I couldn’t or didn’t go for a couple of weeks, and it turned into several weeks. But part of what might have been surprising to the outside observer is that I didn’t miss it. In fact, as time went on, I didn’t want Continue reading
Prevent a War With Iran
I haven’t taken this too seriously until now, because I thought it was such a ridiculous idea. But apparently now our government is considering a proposal that would bring us closer to a war with Iran. We can’t afford another war either in financial terms or in terms of manpower. From my understanding, our military has already been stretched nearly to the limit in order to be involved in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Getting into a war with Iran would leave of us so over committed that we wouldn’t be able to respond if a really crisis or threat actually arose, making us less secure and more vulnerable. It could likely also bankrupt us. You see, the government pays the billions of dollars it costs to fight a war by borrowing money. This money Continue reading
This is a good blog I read: Finding Jesus At A.A.
Blog Link
I just recently discovered a great writer. Reading through his blog, I wanted to share nearly every one. Here are some quotes to whet your appetite:
- “God called. He wants his church back.”
- “Instead of being ‘In the World, but not of it’ we have become the Church who is ‘Of the world, but [not] in it'”.
- “The reason why people are not following Jesus today is because we are not asking people to follow Jesus, we are asking them to become Christians.”
- “It’s not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting; it’s that it has been found difficult and left untried.” – G.K. Chesterton
- “…Churches today are like an eternal school full of people who will never graduate.”
- “My friend posted a list of the Top 10 Most Influential Continue reading
Hermeneutics Quiz
Hermeneutics Quiz
Score 67
You scored between 66 and 100, meaning you’re a progressive on The Hermeneutics Scale.