Is Your Basis for Truth the Bible or Jesus? Is the Bible Your God?

It seems to me that some Christians have fallen into the trap of idolizing the bible, making it the central and sole substance, as if that the bible was all there is to Christianity. To these people, studying and believing the bible is everything. What I’m attempting to communicate is a fairly subtle difference; while important, it can be difficult to communicate, so I hope this will make sense.

Before I continue I want to review a bit of history in order to clarify why the bible is emphasized. After the church became institutionalized—thanks to the political powers of the Roman Empire—the “official” church and leaders thereof assumed authority over Christianity. Basically, if the church by way of its leaders said something was Continue reading

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 5 – Misinterpretations

This is a continuation of my review of the book “The Resignation of Eve” by Jim Henderson.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

As I’ve been thinking over this topic, I imagined the push-back I might receive from some people. This brought me to a revelation: When someone argues against complementarianism and says that men and women should have equal opportunity, I think a significant number of people hear “It’s ok for men to be lazy, irresponsible, and passive.” (Like it or not, people often hear something different than what a speaker is actually saying.) If you listen to anyone argue for the egalitarianism, you’ll never hear them say this. But I am aware that one of the big areas from which complementarianism is presently coming is from Continue reading

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 4 – Reasons for Gender Bias

This is a continuation of my review of the book “The Resignation of Eve” by Jim Henderson.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Where does the belief that women must be subordinate to men come from? My distinct impression is that tradition is by far the primary reason for this belief. People use bible to support it, but they are using it to support their pre-existing belief. They are not going to the bible unbiased and coming away with this belief after careful study. One woman interviewed readily admitted that her primary reason for not thinking women should hold leadership positions was “I’ve been conditioned to think this way.” (Kathy MacKintosh, p. 88) Another commenter shared “how deeply ingrained gender inequality really is in churches. And Continue reading

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 3 – Submission

This is a continuation of my review of the book “The Resignation of Eve” by Jim Henderson.
Part 1
Part 2

There are three passages which instruct wives to submit to their husbands: Ephesians 5:21-6:9, Colossians 3:18-25, and 1 Peter 2:11-3:7. I am including whole sections rather than just individual verses, because I believe the context is important for understanding. In all of these cases, slaves and children are address along with women. I believe this sheds light on the type of relationship wives had to their husbands in that culture. When this is understood, the instructions found in these sections make more sense.

1 Peter 2:13 is especially interesting to this discussion: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority.” Continue reading

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 2 – Women Leaders

This is a continuation of my review of the book “The Resignation of Eve” by Jim Henderson. Click here to read Part 1.

Henderson holds that the difference in views regarding the relationship of men to women comes in large part from whether one holds to a pre-Fall or post-Fall paradigm (p. 257). Part of the curse pronounced to Eve is “you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you” (Genesis 3:16). To my understanding, this describes the breaking of the relationship between men and women, and suggests that things were not this way previously. Now, while in many cases women desire have men lead, they also often have in mind where they want to be led. In other words, they still want to be in control, and are tempted to Continue reading

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 1

In “The Resignation of Eve“, Jim Henderson explores women’s opinions about women’s place in church primarily through a series of interviews. The book is in one sense a challenging one to read. The writing itself is quite accessible and the stories are easy to follow. Yet no matter one’s perspective, many of the stories shared were very upsetting because they revealed serious wrongs committed. It is all the more frustrating because of the fact that the context in these stories is Christianity and church—places where in theory these wrongs should be least likely to happen. The stories stirred a deep desire in me to see these kinds of wrongs eliminated.

The premise of the book is that women are unfairly barred from top leadership Continue reading

Friendship Between Men and Women: Sacred Friendship Gathering, Part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Another main theme of the gathering was what a great witness it would be to the world if they saw Christians have healthy, loving friendships between women and men. As Jim Henderson later commented, “It would be powerful for the church to actually ‘lead’ this conversation but I don’t expect that to happen since its Safety First and Jesus Second.”

As with many things in church/Christianity, we’ve gotten our priorities backward. Sometimes it seems as if for many people, the purpose of Christianity is merely to strengthen marriages and help raise decent kids. But these things are a byproduct of living in Christ, not the main point. When we make these things the target, we actually hurt our chances of actually Continue reading

Friendship Between Men and Women: Sacred Friendship Gathering, Part 3

Part 1
Part 2

One woman at the gathering shared that virtually all the men she spoke to, including some respectable guys, said that “all men are alley cats”. (I take “alley cat” to mean that the person can’t control their sexual desire and will always indulge themselves when the opportunity presents itself.) This was disheartening for her to hear, and she wondered, as many women probably do, just how rare honorable men are.

I think it’s important to point out that there are different levels of temptation. Most men aren’t so out of control that they’re tempted to run out and find a random woman to rape. Many would be tempted to make advances if, when feeling lonely, they got drunk and ended up alone in a dark bedroom late at night Continue reading

Do You Vote Out of Fear?

Fortunately in this country, we can vote without fear of being shot for selecting the wrong candidate. However it’s still possible to vote in fear. Do you vote for something, or against something else? I get the impression that many people vote based on a fear of the “other team” winning more than on supporting their own team. They’re afraid that if the other party wins, everything is going to ruin. Many of us dislike negative campaign ads. But their ubiquitousness would certainly suggest that most people vote out of fear. Their basic message is, “Vote for me so that the bad guy or gal doesn’t win.”

I’ve heard people say that they like a third party or third party candidate, but don’t want to “waste” their vote. So instead of voting for Continue reading

Friendship Between Men and Women: Sacred Friendship Gathering, Part 2

Part 1

One point of emphasis from the conference was in the need for people—Christians especially—to understand that friendships between men and women are actually possible and healthy. One single woman shared about how she had kept men at a distance in order to try and “guard her heart”. She later realized that she was actually setting herself up for bad relationships with men if and when she got married. This was because the only categories she had were: men to keep at a distance or men to potentially develop a romantic relationship with. If she were married and had to for instance work closely with a man, she would be in trouble if the only way she knew to interpret closeness was as the beginning of a romantic relationship. Continue reading